Ultimate Rewind Toxin Removal System Spray
Why Use the Rewind Toxin Removal System?
We are all exposed to toxins every day, from the moment we take our first breath to the moment we take our last. Very often babies are born carrying maternal toxins. In fact, we may become so used to the symptoms that we often don’t even notice them anymore. But, they can have a detrimental effect on our health. They poison the enzymes that make our bodies work properly, inhibiting them from doing their jobs. Enzymes are essential to our respiratory, digestive, motor and nervous systems.
Thus, with the continued use of Rewind, many have experienced major improvements in their:
- Digestion
- Sleep
- Weight control
- Concentration
- Efforts to quit smoking (thanks to its rapid detox, the body is able to rid itself of the addictive chemicals on a cellular level)
More of Rewind’s benefits include:
- Increasing the overall levels of nutrients like iron and calcium in the body.
- Balancing pH levels.
- Boosting the immune system.
- Removing heavy metals like lead, aluminium and arsenic from the body.
- Ridding the body of radioactive toxins.
It has also been proven that, because toxins damage the normal functioning of our cells, those on the autism spectrum are affected by them in terms of reaching certain developmental stages. After only days of using Rewind, many of those living with autism have experienced marked improvements in verbalisation, emotional connection to others, and motor skills.